Symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, or pain in the chest area may indicate that something is wrong with your lungs. With more quickly detect it, it will help make this disease a long time and not getting worse. The following information about the various problems in the lungs and its prevention and solutions, may be helpful to detect the health of your lungs.
► Cause ↓
Cancer has become a deadly disease, even lung cancer is the first killer than any other cancer. Or cancerous tumor cells that grow in the lungs experienced by patients with lung cancer. Cancer can grow in this tissue and can spread to other parts.
The main cause is cigarette smoke contains many toxic substances and inhaled into the lungs and has accumulated over decades causing mutations in the airway cells and causes cancer cells.
Another cause is the active radio radiation, toxic chemicals, stress or heredity.
► Symptoms ↓
Coughing, chest pains, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, tiredness and weight loss. But as in other cancer types, symptoms are generally only visible when the cancer is growing or has spread.
► Prevention and solutions ↓
Avoiding cigarettes and cigarette smoke are also more nutritious foods that contain lots of antioxidants to prevent cancer cells.
Because the disease of the lungs primarily caused by cigarette smoke, then you should immediately cease this practice and do not try to start it for you who have never smoked. Also to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke is even more dangerous than active smokers. Loved the lung, avoid lung disease, and you can breathe more freely.....
I hope this short article can be useful for you all...
keep healthy keep smile~
♥♥♥ Go.od — Luck ♥♥♥
pertamax dlu akh~
wewww.... udah dipesen yah .. ya Tia BiosolarXX juga gpp xixixix...uhm.. menghidari asap rokok gimana bagusnya kak? coz kadang Tia musti jadi perokok pasif.. yang nge merokok tapi kebagian asepnya duank... :(
iya ni sob merokok dapat menyebabkan penyakit tumbuh di paru - paru, tapi merokok juga yang bikin semangat ngeblog, hehe...
jadi solusi paling manjurnya gimana duuunk sob???
Info menarik...keep posting bro...
ng`rokok yh, hihi, ngga dech
wah, keren blognya,, kesulitan nulis di buku tamu...agak mepet..
sodakoh aja deh...
cari teman
hehehe lucu amat tu emotnya :-j
Nice info here. Keep it up!
wah info bagus nich
►all: :-y makasih buat smua yang udh mampir.... :-k sy harapkan buat sobat smua jgn pernah bosen untuk singgah :s ke gubuk sy ini.... :o
mengerikan banget!!!
salam kenal sob....
tips yang bagus kag...
hindari merokok....
kek ayah ina tuh gag ngrokok
Susah tapi klo mo ngindar dari asap rokok..
hampir semua tempat ada asap rokok
Ngrokok ga ngrokok tetap aja kena :Q
kunjungan rutin kwn.. gue sihat..
kamu g mana kabarnya?
sabtu u sedekah..
Thanx for sharing information...
Artikel ini bagusnya dibaca ama yang demen merokok...
btw, makasih infonya sob..
semoga bermanfaat kepada banyak orang..
weekksss... :-y
kebetulan piet bukan perokok dan piet ga suka perokok...!!! 8-|
jadi so pasti ana MUFAKAT laahhhh :D
►ina: :D wah ayah ina gk mrokok yh??? :-e syukurlah.... beda ama ayah kk yang merokok (tapi ga kuat kok) hehe.... :$ moga² bliau cpt berhenti....
►radhit: yupz salam knal jg sob... :-k
►ica: amin.... bagi para perokok >>>> :H stop lah merokok sblm ajal:(( penyakit mksdny menghampirimu.... :-n ga kebayang...
►Pi²t: duh dek... :x gawat kalo cewe merokok... bs fatal akibatnya.... 75% dangerioustnya lbh berbahaya ketimbang kaum pria.... :|
huft... :-e ad² aj neh... :)) uda mampir...
biasa sodakoh aja...
sahabat buku tamunya sulit u nulis...kurang pas masangnya...
uda tukeran photo belum ya?
ok met sukses..
Nice article!!!!!!!!
bacanya aja ddahtakut, apalagi kalau ngerasain
minggu sodakoh....
tolong perbaiki buku tamunya sahabat...
blognya terlalu keren kang, ajarin... :o
uuw... very scary...
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SENIN sodakoh aja ....
buku tamunya sulit u nulis...
untungnya saya bukan perokok... heheheh!!!
hindari merokok lebih bagus kawan
ahlan wasahlan....mantabh iki blog nya...?
berbagi dong....
wah ngeri juga nih
Waahahaa... makanaya jgn ngerokok aja kerjaannya gitu.... kaya saya sehat ^^ Salam Kenal
comen follow balik ya
asab yang bagus sob, semoga perokok bisa sayang sama paru2nya :)
sahabat membaca artikel yang sahabat tulis ..mungkin sahabat dapat memberikan sedikit saran tuk saya bagaimana cara agar saya bisa berhenti merokok (saya peroko berat)..ini serius loo
i can't comment for this article because i still smoker.thank 4 sharing buddy !
Keren pengetahuannya sobat salam persahabtan sobat & salam sukses selalu sobat!!!!!!
blog ini layak di jadikan contoh bagi saya.....
:D bagus skali.... :| jadi ngiri... hehe... :-j merokok ??? be carrefully... !!! but, is very bad of healthy lifestyle..... :-c
kapan yah saya punya blog spt ini :-n
good,.,. lanjutkan shob,.,.
makasih lho kang dah ke blogku saya, trims ya!!!
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wao..nice info man, about cancer..:)
assalamualaikum sob,,suka blog nyaaa,,,,kreatif neh,,seep...gudlak,,visit back my blog yeee...
jadi takut ngerokok :o
hey ,, how are you to day
Untuk melengkapi postingan bahaya merokok, kayaknya lebih cakep lagi juga ada tulisan TIP & TRIK BERHENTI MEROKOK. Tak tunggu ya !!!
Haloo my frend... blog kamu kreennn banget... salam cinta damai...tukaran banner yaa....
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