Monday, October 19, 2009

What is cervical cancer ?

Cervical Cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the cervix / cervix (the lowest part of the uterus attached to the top of the vagina).
Cervical cancer is usually attacked women aged 35-55 years. 90% of cervical cancers derived from squamous cells lining the cervix and the remaining 10% comes from the mucus-producing glandular cells in cervical channel leading into the uterus.


Cervical cancer occurs when cervical cells become abnormal and divide an uncontrollable.
If the cervical cells continue to divide it will form a mass of tissue called tumors that can be benign or malignant. If the tumor is malignant, then the condition is called cervical cancer.

Cause of the abnormalities in cervical cells is not known, but there are certain risk factors that affect the occurrence of cervical cancer:

HPV (human papillomavirus)
HPV is the virus that causes genital warts (condyloma akuminata) which is transmitted through sexual contact. Variants are very dangerous is HPV types 16, 18, 45 and 56.

Tobacco damage to the immune system and affect the body's ability to fight HPV infection in the cervix.

First sexual intercourse at an early age performed

Changing sexual partners

Husband / sexual partner's first sexual intercourse at age below 18 years, changing partners and had been married to a woman who suffered from cervical cancer

Use of DES (diethylstilbestrol) in pregnant women to prevent miscarriage (widely used in 1940-1970)

Immune system disorders

Use of birth control pills

Genital herpes infection or chronic chlamydia infections

Economically weak groups (for not being able to do Pap smears on a regular basis)

In the cervix precancerous condition

The cells on the surface of the cervix sometimes appear abnormal but not malignant.
Scientists believe that some abnormal changes in cervical cells is the first step in a series of slow changes, a few years later can cause cancer. Therefore some abnormal changes are precancerous condition, which can turn into cancer.

Now, used a different term for abnormal changes to cells on the surface of the cervix, one of whom is intraepitel squamous lesions (mean lesion tissue disorders, intraepitel means that cells found only in the abnormal surface layer).

Changes in these cells can be divided into 2 groups:

1. Low-level lesions: an early change in the size, shape and number of cells that form the surface of the cervix. Some low-level lesions disappear by itself. But others grow into larger and more abnormal, forming a high-level lesions.
Low-level lesion also called mild dysplasia or cervical intraepitel neoplasia 1 (NIS 1).
Low-level lesions most often found in women aged 25-35 years, but also can occur in all age groups.

2. Lesions high level: in a large number of precancerous cells that look very different from normal cells.
These precancerous changes occur only in cells on the surface of the cervix. For months, even years, these cells will not become violent and will not infiltrate the cervical layers deeper.
High-level lesion dysplasia is also called secondary or severe dysplasia, NIS 2 or 3, or carcinoma in situ.
High-level lesions most often found in women aged 30-40 years.

If abnormal cells spread deeper into the cervix or to other organs or tissue, called the situation mada cervical cancer or invasive cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer most often found in over 40 years of age.


Precancerous changes in the cervix usually do not cause symptoms and these changes are not detected unless a woman is undergoing a pelvic exam and Pap smear.

Symptoms usually only appear when the abnormal cervical cells become malignant, and infiltrate the surrounding tissue. At this moment will occur the following symptoms:
Abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially between 2 periods, after sexual intercourse and after menopause
Abnormal Menstruation (longer and more)
Whitish who settled, with a watery liquid, pink, brown, contains blood or black and smelly.

Symptoms of advanced cervical cancer:
Decreased appetite, weight loss, fatigue
Pelvic pain, back or legsa
From the vagina out of the urine or stool
Broken bones (fractures).

For more information you can contact the nearest specialist in your city...

And i hope this article is very useful to you, wassalamu`alaikum....

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Mapuc on October 20, 2009 at 5:11 AM said...

wah mantab infonya, pak dokter yaw? ha ha

-Chesster- on October 20, 2009 at 6:40 AM said...

keren infonya walaupun agak bingung gara2 bhs inggris ^^

ina on October 20, 2009 at 8:52 AM said...

jadi muzti ati2 nie dari skarang,...
mulai sejak dini, wlopun kanker serviksnya menyerah usia 35 nan,...

nice post kag,... jdi tambah ilmu nie :D

ahmad on October 20, 2009 at 10:16 AM said...

numpang baca2

zisya on October 20, 2009 at 12:45 PM said...

wah ngeri juga nih, amit2 jangan sampai kena kangker

John Bueno on October 20, 2009 at 4:57 PM said...

This is valuable information.. great site and great article!


Sadewa on October 20, 2009 at 5:58 PM said...

Jujur infonya keren dab bisa berguna sekali, Shob tidak ada teman yang berguna jika hanya numpang lewat saja di blog temanya namun tidak memberi kontribusi. ngoceh2 di Shoutmix tidak akan jadi Backlink so kalau mampir ke rumah ku lagi sampaikan keluh kesal mu di Artikel mungkin lebih bagus this my friends oke

zone4health on October 21, 2009 at 12:04 AM said...

-►Mapuc: hehe... :f hanya berbagi... eitz... sy bkn dokter sob...

-►-Cheester-: gpp sob... cukup di translate... and di comment... :)

-►Ina: yupz, makasih dd... sory kk blm ksh comment ke ina.. coz msh rada sibuk... :( gpp kn? :)

-►ahmad: tafaddoL sob.... :D

-►Zisya: na'uzubillah.... moga kita smua sehat sllu... :D makasih dah mampir.. :)

-►kumagcow: go to tkp :f hehe...

-►Sadewa: yupz, :D bnar skali sob... makasih buat commentnya... sy cuma rada sibuk aj ama tgs kul + aktftas... tp keep blogging kok... :)) hhaha....

Energi Kita on October 21, 2009 at 4:00 AM said...

wah info keren ne, trims banget bro

mokhamad rusyanto on October 21, 2009 at 2:28 PM said...

sedekah rutin.........tolong perbaiki shoutmixnya sahabat.....spy cepat dlm kmnksnya...

Rizkyzone on October 21, 2009 at 3:52 PM said...

wah kalaua aku perokok sob, susah buat berhenti... kalau ngeblog tanpa merikok... g seru rasanya

lina@happy family on October 21, 2009 at 10:28 PM said...

As a married woman, I must know this info; thanks!

zone4health on October 22, 2009 at 12:47 AM said...

►THE PAINTING PROPHETS HISTORY: :f kalo mau chat di shoutmix? tersedia di kanan atas sob... :|

►Lina: u'r welcome sist.... :D

Seri Bahasa on October 22, 2009 at 5:03 PM said...

penyakit yang membawa maut kepada wanita. maka disaran wanita yang berumur tiga puluhan melakukan pap smear paling tidak setahun sekali. jangan malu2 nyawa ngak ada dijual. on October 22, 2009 at 6:36 PM said...

having a healthy lifestyle can lessen women from such kind of illnesses

Kesuksesan Hidup | Renungan | Motivator | Motivasi | Kata Bijak on October 22, 2009 at 7:38 PM said...

What a great and useful information... Thanks for sharing :)

Hope success will always be yours...

Tisti Rabbani on October 23, 2009 at 3:43 PM said...

hai, kunjungan pertama ke sini..
thkns udah mampir ke blogku..

hmmm..disini banyak info ttg keshatan ya..
nice blog :)

Mr. X on October 24, 2009 at 1:10 AM said...

ehmmmm...sangat bermanfaat bagiku.
mesti hati-hati.
Lebih baik mencegah dari pada mengobati yang kelanjutannya mati...
(test avatar muncul nggak ya?).

ƒitri LaskarHijab on November 8, 2009 at 8:40 PM said...

iya.. ni serem artikelnya ka..., x(
hiiii :$
Ya Allah jauwkan piet dr penyakit2 aneh
Allahumma Amien...Yaa Allah :)

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