Women is unique and complex.... Therefore women need extra care than men. Similarly with health problems, because women are more susceptible than men.
Unlike the men, women experienced more drastic changes in the body, such as hormonal problems, she has experienced several changes starting from childhood, teens, adults to old.
Well, here are a variety of diseases to watch out for by the woman, namely ↓
Breast cancer is a common cancer in women, although there is also what happened to the man. Second cancers that cause death in this woman could be detected as early as possible to the prevention and self examination every month.
More depression than men attacked the woman while the same stressor men are more likely to endure the depression. Various hormonal changes such as during pregnancy and monopouse also a factor which increases the risk of depression in women. Depression also has physical symptoms.
Osteoporosis is a disease due to decreased bone strength have thinning bones. This condition makes the bones more brittle, meaning that the bone can be broken only by minor trauma. Why not rare in people with osteoporosis, bone fractures due to minor accidents such as slipping in the bathroom, fell out of bed and others. And one more, Asian and Caucasian women (Caucasians) attacked a higher risk of osteoporosis than black women.
Is a group of autoimmune diseases caused by the immune system (immune system) of the target in recognizing the enemy. The body's immune system is supposed to destroy the foreign object, bacteria, or virus attack even their own limbs. This group includes disease lupus, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and so on.
Based on data from the American autoimmune Related Diseases Association indicates that 75% of those with autoimmune disease are women and the case tends to be ridiculous....
nice info...very useful :)
nah nah,...
yg point 1 itu kag,...
momok bagi wanita hihihi....
nice post kakag,... :D
makasih artikelnya,sangat bermanfaat nih tapi kadang memang kurang memperhatikan.
thakshas visit my blog, hem nice artikel very use wordwhatwomen needed
nice posts
after the women beautified outer beauty, i hope inner beauty too
koleksi musiknya bagus2, kemana uploadnya atau memang sudah di sediakan? musiknya bs auto n manual ya, ini yg lagi dicari
kasih scriptnya dunk :DDD
sob gambarnya keren bgt,...blhkah aku pinjem gmbrnya ???
mksh yaa....
....السلا م عليكم ورحمة االله وبركاته
►All: :D makasih buat smua yang udh mampir + comment.... maaf buat yang blm sy blz... :f
best regards,
ouuww... gitu yaa
jadi tauw nich.... :o