One recent study found that a new type of malaria has the potential to threaten human beings. Parasite Plasmodium knowlesi previously estimated that only infects monkeys. However, the parasite was spread widely in humans in malaysia, and the most recent investigation confirmed that the parasite can cause death if not treated quickly.
The results of research conducted by an international team was published in the journal of clinical infectious diseases. Although this new type of disease is only spread in Southeast Asia, the researchers warned that the tourism sector due to this region in the case of western countries will soon emerge. "Each year, malaria can kill millions of people...."
The disease is caused by the malaria parasite enters the human bloodstream by mosquitoes infected with the parasite. Of the four malaria parasites that often cause disease in humans, P. falciparum, which is more commonly found in Africa is the most malignant.
Another parasite, P. malariae which developed in sub-tropical regions of the world, has symptoms that are usually not very dangerous.
P. knowlesi had been thought only to infect primates, especially the long-tailed macaques and found short in the forests of Southeast Asia. However, research conducted by the University Malaysia Sarawak shows that there are a large number of cases of parasitic diseases in humans that type. study found that under the microscope P. knowlesi easily mistaken for P. malariae.
Rapidly proliferate
However, unlike the parasite, P. knowlesi has the ability to multiply in the blood every 24 hours → that is potentially harmful.
One of the team's researchers, Professor balbir Singh, said that with that ability means faster diagnosis and treatment is very important.
The researchers examined 150 patients with malaria who was hospitalized Sarawak, Malaysia, between July 2006 and January 2008.
They found that P. knowlesi into the cause of two thirds of cases, and causes a wide spectrum of diseases.
Most of the disease does not cause complications and easily treated with drugs such as clhoroquine and primaquine. However, an emergency ten patients eventually suffer complications such as respiratory and kidney problems and two patients died.
Although death rates below 2%, P. knowlesi be as deadly as P. falciparum malaria.The researchers emphasized that it is very difficult to measure the accuracy of mortality rates due to the small number of cases studied.
Low platelet count
All patients with P. knowlesi have high levels of low blood platelet, much less than people with other types of malaria.
However, despite the blood platelets necessary for blood coagulation, no patients with unusual bleeding or have a problem with blood viscosity.
Researchers believe the level of low blood platelets can be used as a way to diagnose malaria P. knowlesi.
Professor Singh said: "The increase of tourism to Southeast Asia can make a number of cases of this disease increases in the future, including in Western countries."
"And health workers are examining new patients come from a region that is known or likely to have cases of P. knowlesi have to know the gravity of the disease of P. knowlesi malaria is."
the further achievement of human more advance the desease which appear in this world...after swine flu,now malaria..and what next?
nyamuknya cantix :D
sayangnya jahad..
be careful ^_^
nyamuk kok cantik jiah...nyamuk tuh nakal jahad si enggak cuma relativ aja
makanya hati2 dengan nyamuk :-p
hi friend plz add me & drop a mesg i will add u
Yeah.. helthy life is expensive way if we not care about our health
makasih infonya ya...
Good Info sob..
nyamuk nya jahad??? hihihi,...
bener jg,... tpi kan dia jg butuh makan hehehe....
butuh makan??? :))
hhah... srem amad makanannya ampe ngerenggut nyawa gitu.... :(
ayo kita antisipasi dgn 3M jgn di lupakan...
agar bersih lingkungan kita.... :s
kunjungn tengah malam sob :)
apa kabar ?
maaf baru berkunjung yah,hemm...kesibukan yg sedikit menghalangi untuk mengunjungi para sahabat...
nice blog sob....
ya ampuunn,maaf ya.....
iya aku masukin link km y sob :)
iya itu foto terbaru hehe....
sklai lg maaf dan mksh untuk suportny di blogku sllau berkunjung :)
link kamu sudah terpasang sob :)
yupz... syukron....
Kunjungi kami ya....
mosqouite bites make me smile...
wangalaikum salaam..nice info. thank 4 the visit. god blessing u :)
I'm afraid it with our country,the average treatment of malaria tend to slow.
previous types we're overwhelmed,moreover added a new type??..hehhe nice info thank's :)
nice info sobat
artikel yg informatif....n blog yg bagus, lam knal yah...btw lagunya koq sama yah heheheh
=(( mantavvvvvvv
kerren themanya...
ajarin donk sob..
oh yah malaria itu yah..
pingin balas gigit aku sama tuh nyamuk
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