Friday, January 29, 2010

Smile for your health !!

Smile for your health !!

hmmm. . . . Smile by expert medical scientists is the best way to help the body function better. Smile improve health, reduce stress levels, and makes you more active for all activities.

Here is a brief information about the benefits of a smile that I know:

A smile makes you more attractive. People who smile a lot appeal. People who like to smile to make people feel comfortable and happy surroundings. People who always scowling, frowning, and grinned makes people uncomfortable around. Certainly a lot of smiling people who have lots of friends.

Smile lowering blood pressure. Not believe? Try recording your blood pressure when you do not smile anymore and record blood pressure while you smile when checked. Blood pressure when you smile would be lower.

Smile off endorphins and serotonin. His smile is like a natural remedy. A smile can produce endorphins and serotonin. They are hormone can reply control pain.

A smile makes young. Smile move many muscles. As a result trained facial muscles so that you do not need a face lift. Guaranteed with many smiles, you will look more youthful.

Smile changed feelings. If you're sad, try to smile. A smile will make feel better. According to research, a smile can trick the body so that the feeling changed.

Contagious smile. When a person smiles, he will make the atmosphere more cheerful. People around you will smile and feel happier.

Smile eliminate stress. Stress can be seen on the face. A smile can eliminate expression tired, bored, and sad. When you're stressed, take time to smile. A smile will reduce stress and make the mind more clearly.

A smile increases immunity. A smile makes the immune system work better. Fungi maximal immune works when a person feels relaxed. According to research, flu and cough can be lost with a smile.

A smile makes you look successful. People who smile look more confident, popular, and reliable. Install a smile when meeting or meet with clients. Surely your colleagues will see you better.

A smile makes people think positively. Try to do this: think of something bad with a smile. It must be hard. Cause, when you smile, the body sends a signal "life is good". So when he smiled, the body will be able to accept it as the most beautiful gift.

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ƒitri LaskarHijab on January 30, 2010 at 5:33 PM said...

Assalamualaikum.. yaa habibi quh.....
senyumku selalu ada untukmu sayang....

ina on February 1, 2010 at 8:26 AM said...

jiah.... kag Piet hihihihi...
iya deh...

bener kag...
senyum jg bikin cantik...
asal gag senyum2 ndiri...
itu sih gila namanya ....

zone4health on February 3, 2010 at 12:57 AM said...

piet ► wa`aLaikum saLam . . . .
snyuman yang aneh ??? :-r ngk akh . . .
:( sepi blog kk nih . . . .

hikz . . . . :-O

ina ► itu namanya . . . . giLaaa !!! :-j

hhah . . . . :))

Unknown on February 9, 2010 at 3:13 AM said...

Very nice point. I love it. I am going to make that by goal this week. I work with some grumpy people.

Healthy Lifestyle

Rinda on April 3, 2010 at 10:00 AM said...

i love smiLe,,,because senyum itu ibadah....:-n

GST Training Delhi on September 1, 2017 at 2:29 PM said...

Blogging is the new poetry. I find it wonderful and amazing in many ways.

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