I have a few tips for you, that is 9 tips to healthy eating, the things you need to remember in order to live a healthier lifestyle. It may not be the “only” thing you need to know to live a healthy life but it sure is worth your time to read it....
↓ Here are the 9 tips to healthy eating ↓
- Balance Diet → Some people think that if they eat healthy and nutritious food, that is already enough to say that they are eating healthy. Little do they know that healthy eating requires a balanced intake of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, protein, fats, and fiber. Check the food pyramid for the proper servings.
- Eat on Time → Skipping meals is bad. Some people skip breakfast because they don’t want to be late for school or for work. But this kind of punctuality is not good for the body. Breakfast is the most important meal because it provides energy to jumpstart our day. If you do, you will perform poorly in school or at work.
- Reduce, not Avoid → Some people think that zeroing the fat intake will take us a step closer to healthier body. Fat is a concentrated energy source. It also keeps the hair strong and shiny and nails less brittle; essential in keeping our body warm; and needed in hormones production. Without fats (and oils), a lot of our body functions will be affected.
- Love the Plants → The most eluded food sources of all in the food pyramid are the farm produce. A number of people hate the taste of vegetables, fruits, and grains so they remove them from their meals once they see them. These types of food are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibers so don’t skimp on them.
- Maintain Ideal Weight → The right weight depends on a lot of different factors including age, height, sex, and heredity. Being too thin may mean that you are malnourished, which can increase the risk of certain ailments like osteoporosis, anemia, and other health problems. On the other hand, having too much weight can also lead to serious medical issues such as high blood pressure, heart ailments, diabetes, and many more. If you are having problem with your weight, you can consult a dietician for professional advice.
- Eat in Moderation → Everything is bad if it is done excessively. Even being extremely good is bad. Same goes for the food. You can actually eat all kinds of food as long as they are of the right amount. Like meat, it is the main source of protein but eating too much can lead to health problems.
- Drink Plenty of Water → 75 of our body is made of water. Proper water intake helps flush toxics out of our body, hydrates our organs, and regulates body temperature.
- Watch What You Eat → Be aware of what you eat. Know which part of the daily nutrition requirements you are lacking on. List down the food that you ate for the last three days and you might get surprised that you are missing some vital nutrients.
- Eat Right → Start a good eating habit. You can still eat ice cream, candies, chocolates, or apple pie just as long as you eat in moderation. Fruits, even with all the good things it can do, may bring problems to your hormones if taken excessively.
keep healthy keep smile 
♥♥♥ Go.od — Luck ♥♥♥
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eating anyone.... hehe... :f
Wah kok gambarnya monyet sih?? haha... tuh monyet lagi di meja makan ya..???
Maintain Ideal Weight..? Ini aga sulit... sepertinya timbangannya RUSAK nih!!!! :D
Trus.. ini tips buat Monyet ato masia siee sob?... adduuuh..... saya manusia sih... N ga ngakuin TEORI DARWIN, saya murni MANUSIA :$
keren banget nih kak postingannya jadi lebih paham lagi nih Tia tentang Tips to Healthy Eating in Your Life . Keep posting ya kak :)
Ok, i will Keep My body , For to be the strong like C.rOnaldo!!
hehehe..kren nich blog..makasih y jg udah mampir k blogQ
salam kenal, well, aQ jth cinta sm bintang2 jatuhnya nich :p
:( sy gak ikutan ya?? soalnya tu khusus buat M**y*t :))
nice info!... keep sharing!..
visiting back to blog my friend....
nice blog...
Thanks! But Diet also plays a huge role in keeping fit. You can read HERE for more interesting tips!
thx dah mampirhttp://i654.photobucket.com/albums/uu264/mastegar/kucing%20gif/hi.gif..berkunjung ketempat w yah..
very nice info
thanks :)
kunjungan balik sobat....
im fine tku for your visit
what about you? i hope that you are fine
take care
nice tips :D
keep posting ;)
My XDA Blogspot
good info
really nice tips....
thank you... :x
Sepertinya agak susah untuk di praktekkan, coz saya anak kost2an...
jadi makan makanan sehat kalo ada duit, makan seadanya kalo gak ada duit..
thanks for your nice posts. i do have one health problem, one big tummy!!!:)) i'll browse your blog one of these days? can you recommend to me one post related to my problem? :)) :)) :))
♀ ►rahmi → wew.... :))
♂ ►Bhakti → yupz, lagi makan yang lahap~ abis 2 pring sob... hehe... :))
♀ ►NaniNa → buat manusia itu cuma skdr img... wah kok sulit??? hehe... ga mau berusaha neh... :(
♀ ►Cyntia → tia, thanks 4 u'r support.. :)
♂ ►imam CR7 → :? like C.rOnaldo ?? he is physical player with a perfect, :s I even like it too.. :)
♀ ►sarah → jth cinta sm bintang2 jatuhnya ?? :? hehe... :f asl jgn sm orgnya aj.. hehe... :f mampir lagi yh... :)
♂ ►Aneuk Nanggroe → itu juga khusus buat yang baca lho... ;;) hehe... :f
♂ ►BLOG KULINER → thanks.. :)
♂ ►healthy → keep to mutual visiting keep smile.. :)
♂ ►Arun → thanks :$
♂ ►krish → thanks 4 the idea myfriend... :D
♂ ►Rizal ZaiLthx → x( go to tkp lagi... lagi dan lagi... if u alwys visiting and comment me 2... :)
♂ ►xander → u'r welcome :)
♂ ►TURKİYE → ALeykum... SELAM... best myfriend... :)
♂ ►okhan → keep visting.. :D
♀ ►kamilla-style → yups, visit again if u there is time.. myfriend...
♂ ►My XDA Blogspot → thanks sob.. :D
♂ ►domain adsense online → :D thanks..
¿? ►Anonymous → :) u'r welcome.... for another time I do not recommend using the name Anonymous... :o
w..salam thank smile again
thanks...good info...
Nice tips, but it look likes very hard to apply this tips but i will try, thanks
berkunjung di pagi yang cerah ...untuk belajar dan cari pengetahuan baru sob..artikelnya keren..
klo gitu aQ jg mampir lg dech..hehe :p tp beneran suka banget sm bintang2nya...jd betah aja... :D
weeew. . nice information guys!
♂ ►Zaid → :D thanks 4 visit...
►Rose → yups... thanks.. :)
♂ ►BIZRIL → so easy not hard if u very serioustly... hehe... :f sama² frend... x( go to TKP....!!
♂ ►ujung dunia → thanks :)
♀ ►sarah → hehe... :f sy juga suka brknjg ke t4 sarah.... :) keep u'r smile...
♂ ►Muhammad Resya Elyasa → yupz... thanks... :)
Terimakasih untuk tipsnya yang sangat bermanfaat
agar bisa mempraktek kan tips di atas yang pertama harus saya lakukan adalah.....MENCARI KAMUS ha...ha......
waoow ..keren abizz
♂ ►kwangkxz → u'r welcome :)
♂ ►Macam² → haha... musti pake kamus??? di translate dlu yah sob?? :))
♂ ►bagun → hehe.. :f thanks...
sering² mampir yah all.....
nice post... i like that and i will try your 9 tips... hehehe. thanks for your tips friend...
gambar monyetnya lucu tuh..wakakaka
Hello dear friend, thanx a lot for visit me, send you a big hug and congratulations, you have a very interesting blog, greetings from Nicaragua
ka.........!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-c